How to Resolve NTTA Toll Tickets in Dallas

Toll Road Violations In Dallas
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Dallas Municipal Court

Dallas Municipal Court

Toll road violations in Dallas have become comical in some ways. The toll road authority, also known as NTTA, have set up a system that charges a person more for the late fees associated with the toll violations than the actual toll itself. Many people are getting notices in the mail showing that they owe fees as high as $180,000.00. The most recent list of toll road violators can be found by clicking here.

What To Do If You Have A Toll Ticket?

First, do not try to negotiate directly with them or with the collection agency that represents them. The collection agency is known as Linebarger Goggan Blaire and Sampson. This collection agency is incentive to have you pay as much as possible to resolve the issue. The reason why they want you to pay as much as possible is because they get a percentage of the amount recovered. Do not negotiate with them. You must get an attorney involved in the matter as soon as the ticket is filed. An attorney can do some very wonderful things for you once a NTTA Toll Ticket is filed. Many times the amount can be reduced to below 10% of the alleged amount owed. For example, if you are alleged to owe $20,000.00 in toll violations, and attorney can normally get the amount reduced to around $2000.00 with substantial time to pay that amount off.

Warrants for NTTA Toll Road Tickets


Dallas Traffic Attorney

Dallas Traffic Attorney

If you have outstanding warrants for Toll Violations, that is OK. Our ticket attorneys in Dallas can lift the warrants and still represent you in court to resolve the citations. Don’t think that just because they are in warrant the process is any different than that described above. Our attorneys can still obtain the best possible outcome for you regardless of the warrant status.